My Story
I began this journey for cancer treatment information- drugs, supplements, herbs & exercise in 2000. At that time my father was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the colon and liver. He was given 3 months to live. I refused to accept that fate for him and found another hospital that was using state-of-the-art chemotherapy and recognized the importance of using alternative means to help the healing process for its patients. While my father was undergoing low-dose chemotherapy for the next six months I began changing his diet, adding liquid protein drinks, vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, and light exercise to strengthen his body to fight the side effects of the chemo and build back his muscle loss. According to the National Cancer Institute, up to 80% of advanced cancer patients suffer from cachexia which leads to a loss of skeletal muscle and fat. Their were already many published clinical studies on the use of vitamins, minerals herbs and exercise which helped me help my father. Within a year he was cancer free and lived 15 more years dying at the age of 87 of lung failure.
Over the years people that I knew were dying of cancer and I would always ask them what were they doing to help themselves. Most were just waiting around with the hopes they would get better with the surgery and or chemotherapy. As the internet grew I continued researching and collecting clinical studies on cancer drugs, protein, vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, and exercise. with the hopes of one day helping people help themselves in a blog. I am retired now so I have the time to help people by posting clinical studies done on cancer. The information provided in this blog will based upon clinical studies pertaining to different types of cancer and what may be of benefit to a particular type of cancer.