You Too Can Climb That Hill To A Full Recovery
"At Cancer Treatment Information, we provide the latest information on supplements, herbs, and exercise to help you make informed decisions about your health. Join our community of like-minded individuals and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in cancer treatment.
I started my journey for cancer treatment information in 2000 when my father was diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer. He was given three months to live, but I refused to accept that fate for him. At that time, I was a doctor who treated musculoskeletal and neuromuscular injuries and had little knowledge about cancer, except that standard cancer treatment was chemo, radiation, and surgery.
So, I began researching and found a hospital that used state-of-the-art surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation and recognized the importance of alternative means to help the healing process of its patients. While my father was undergoing low-dose chemotherapy for the next six months, I changed his diet and added liquid protein drinks, vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, and light exercise to strengthen his body to fight the side effects of the chemo and build back his muscle loss. Published clinical studies on using vitamins, minerals, herbs, and exercise helped me help my father, and he was cancer-free within a year and lived 15 more years.
Over the next 20 years as the internet expanded, I began researching and collecting clinical studies on protein, vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, and exercise with the hopes of helping people help themselves in their fight to cure their cancer.
This blog provides information on different types of cancer and what supplements, herbs, and exercises may benefit fighting your type of cancer. Scroll down to find information on your type of cancer and learn what supplements and herbs may be helpful. However, it's important to note that the Food & Drug Administration has not evaluated the information provided, but the National Health Institute has many published studies on the information I have provided. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read or heard. The information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Your cancer treatment specifics should always be discussed with your doctors.
Finally, staying mentally strong is important to climb that hill to recovery. Don't give up, and listen to your doctors. However, it's also essential to participate in your treatment by asking questions and using the information provided to help yourself or a loved one fight this disease." For general questions, contact me at: BREAST* PROSTATE* LUNG* COLON-RECTAL*STOMACH* ENDOMETRIAL* BLADDER KIDNEY* PANCREAS* LIVER & BILE DUCT* MELANOMA* NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA* THYROID* LEUKEMIA* EXERCISE
MALNUTRITION AND SURVIVING CANCER Malnutrition (cachexia-muscle wasting) is a big problem in people who get cancer, especially the elderly. Undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy increases this problem. The condition affects up to 80% of patients depending on tumor type and stage, according to the National Cancer Institute. The side effects of cancer treatment are anorexia, mucositis, nausea, and vomiting, resulting in additional malnutrition and weight loss of 31% to 87%. Approximately 20% of cancer patients die from malnutrition and not cancer itself. ( ) Weight loss reduces muscle mass, increases toxicity from treatment, decreases the body's immune response, increases the chance of infection, decreases the healing process, increases hospital stay, reduces quality of life, and accelerates suffering and death. Up to half the people who die from cancer are malnourished. It is essential for your survival to keep your food intake up, especially good quality protein, and supplement your diet with additional vitamins, minerals, and herbs to improve the response of your cancer treatments. As little as a 5% drop in weight can predict shorter survival. People undergoing cancer treatment should aim to maintain their weight as much as possible. If they experience a small drop in weight (three to four kg), they might be at risk of malnutrition. It is important to remember that malnutrition can occur even if you are overweight. Supplements- Vit. A, C, E, omega essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, digestive enzymes, HMB (cachexia), protein drinks- (whey & vegan) with and without high carbohydrates, herbs, anti-nausea drugs like the marijuana drug Marinol to encourage you to eat, smaller meals, if possible light exercise, and avoid dairy with breast cancer. Malnutrition is almost epidemic' among patients with advanced cancer. 1. Regardless of cancer type, the overall prevalence of malnutrition in cancer is about 40% and has remained constant for the last 30 years [10]. In patients with cancer, severe weight loss before treatment varies from 7 to 57%, which may result in increased rates of complications Malnutrition signs and symptoms include:
Losing more than 1 to 2 pounds a week
Loss of appetite and general weakness and fatigue
A body mass index, or BMI, below 18.5
A decrease in activity or energy
NOTE: SCROLL DOWN BELOW TO FIND YOUR TYPE OF CANCER SUPPLEMENTS & HERBS THAT MAY HELP FIGHT & HEAL- CAUTION: If you choose to take supplements and herbs, "never" take them on an empty stomach unless your doctor or healthcare provider tells you to. Most times, take with food during the beginning or middle of your meal with water. This will allow for better digestion. If you plan on taking multiple supplements or herbs, begin slowly by taking only one supplement the first two days and then adding supplements, herbs, etc., every two to three days. If you have an adverse reaction to one supplement or herb, try to find a similar one from another company with higher-quality ingredients. The purity of the supplements and herbs is very important, so please don't fall for the cheaper price. Look at the ingredients on the label before you buy it, and check out the company's history of manufacturing it. Never take more than the directed dose unless advised to by your doctor or healthcare provider. PROTEIN DRINK SUPPLEMENTATION FOR MUSCLE WEIGHT LOSS. Whey, pea protein, soy, and hemp drinks help fight the muscle wasting (cachexia) and weight loss that is associated with all types of cancer. These drinks are an excellent source of superior-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, and lactose that contribute to proper nutrition, help hamper illness, and even complement certain disease-related therapy prognoses. Avoid high fructose corn syrup in these drinks, as this sweetener has been linked to many serious health issues, including obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome. Many manufacturers of these products exist. So, it is trial and error. I suggest trying both the whey protein shake and the vegan protein shake to see which one your body assimilates the best. HMB SUPPLEMENT TO STOP MUSCLE WEIGHT LOSS. HMB (Hydroxymethylbutyrate) has an anti-catabolic effect, enhances protein synthesis, and attenuates proteolysis. BREAST CANCER The most frequently diagnosed type of cancer globally and the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women in the United States. It is a complex disease caused by progressive genetic mutations associated with other factors. These other factors include modern-day choices, such as a sedentary lifestyle, excess processed food in the diet, being overweight, and obesity. It is essential to help yourself treat this disease to give you a better chance of survival. Astaxanthin (ASX)- is a common carotenoid found in shrimp, salmon, crab, rainbow trout, and starfish. Clinical studies indicate this supplement can stop metastasis (secondary cancerous growth) in other body areas. It has been shown to reduce the rapid reproduction of breast cancer cells and prevent the movement of cancer cells to other parts of the body. - belongs to a group of colored pigments called carotenoids. They are converted to vitamin A in the body and found in many fruits and vegetables. These red, orange, and yellow pigments are considered antioxidants.